This lists the major distribution avenues for the film Indigenous Suriname (2008).
Nepal International Indigenous Film Festival (NIIFF) 2012, Indigenous Film Archive, Nepal, Documentary Film: “Indigenous Suriname”, July 12-15, 2012
2011 Native American Film + Video Festival, Smithsonian National Museum of the Native American, New York, Documentary Film: “Indigenous Suriname”,March 30 – April 3, 2011
Cineteca Nacional of Chile and the Chilean Museum of Pre-Columbian Art, Chile, DVD: “5 degree sample of Cinema + Indigenous Video, Chile 2011 (Indigenous Suriname)”, November 2011
X Film and Video Festival of Indigenous Peoples 2010, Quito, Ecuador, documentary: “Surinam Indigena”, 2010
University Film and Video Association (UFVA) Conference Graduate School Screening, documentary: “Indigenous Suriname”, August 2009.
Paramaribo, Suriname, Television Broadcast to honor the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People, (I don’t have channel listings or times for this screening), documentary: “Indigenous Suriname”, August 2009
4th Annual Latin American and Caribbean Film Festival, Atlanta, GA, Documentary Film: “Indigenous Suriname”, June 11-14, 2009
Paramaribo, Suriname, Television Broadcast to honor the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People, SKY TV Channel 47 / 103 (August 7, 8:30 PM), Garuda TV Channel 23 (August 7, 8:30 p.m., August 8, 8:30 p.m., August 9, 4:30 p.m.), documentary: “Indigenous Suriname”, 2008
Last fall, we got an email from a Amalia Cordova who works with the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian in New York. She asked if we would be willing to have the 2nd film (Indigenous Suriname) entered into their Native American Film + Video Festival 2011. We said ‘Yes!’, of course. Apparently, she had been given the film some time ago during her travels (we don’t know who gave it to her). Then, she saw the Spanish version while judging the X Film and Video Festival of Indigenous Peoples in Ecuador in July 2010 (where it won an award). As she and the committee were screening films for the Smithsonian’s festival, they included Indigenous Suriname. They unofficially approved it and then asked us to complete the paperwork.
Leon Wijngarrde
So, we are traveling to New York in a couple of weeks to attend the screening of the film and answer questions after. The most exciting thing for us is that Leon Wijngarrde will be with us! He is flying up from Suriname and will be there to answer questions and attend the festival, as well. Eric is an amazing Indigenous organizer in Suriname. He works tirelessly to bring tribes together and to bring technology to tribes so that they can document environmental problems. We are looking forward to seeing him and participating in this great event.
Thank you to all of our supporters (financial and otherwise) that have helped make this possible. Leon’s trip is being funded by donations. We so appreciate you! And to you who keep passing the film along—thank you! You are making these many venues possible!
George, Machelle, Jerry & Martha in Hong Kong, 2010
Last April we were invited (due to a very last minute cancellation) to the East-West Center’s journalism conference. It was held in Hong Kong. We presented our community-driven production model in a panel presentation with two other documentary-makers from Australia, Martha Mollison and George Fallon. They have worked with minority and Indigenous communities around the world. It was so fun to see their work and present alongside them. They are an inspiration.